Dienstag, 6. August 2019

OUT NOW on iTunes and Google Play. 

I hope you are well and thanks for still coming back to this blog after so many years. Time has passed. The film is now available in several languages on


Google Play:

Amazon etc. is supposed to follow soon...

Our Facebook page is still active:


All the best to everyone and speak to you soon...

Donnerstag, 7. Juni 2012

One more screening....

I'm happy to announce another screening of MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. At Saturday, 16th of June, 2012 at 16:00 the film will be screened at Babylon 3. Another film that I produced, BERG FIDEL by Hella Wenders will be screened at Babylon 2 at Friday, 15th of June, 2012 at 17:00. All the best to everybody who is still following this blog from time to time.

Dienstag, 29. November 2011


Die Sendung wurde verschoben, neuer Termin: 03.12.2011, 22:15 Uhr!!

Hier schon Mal die Vorankündigung auf die Sendung:


Viel Spaß beim Anschauen!

Samstag, 12. November 2011

Sinan beim Kulturtalk "Im Palais"

Die Nachrichten auf dem Blog werden immer weniger. In diesen Tagen ist unser Besuch in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten vier Jahre her. Sinan und das Filmteam, wir alle sind weitere Wege gegangen. Dennoch ist es schön, einen Grund zu haben, diesen Blog mal wieder mit Inhalten zu füllen! Am 26.11.2011 um 22:15 Uhr (WH: 05.12.2011) ist Sinan zu Gast im Kulturtalk "Im Palais" bei Dieter Moor. Weitere Gäste an dem Abend: Alice Brauner, Rolf Zacher und Katrin Behr. Das könnte eine sehr interessante Sendung werden!

Wer den Film immer noch nicht gesehen hat, er ist überall auf DVD erhältlich, z. B. bei Amazon.

Freitag, 17. Juni 2011


Sinan Al Kuri is now playing in the famous TV serie GZSZ! Congratulations! Watch yourself his interview about the new role:


Mittwoch, 16. März 2011

Get the film on DVD everywhere

This is a picture of a friend of mine in Zurich who went to a videos store. Others told me they saw the film at MediaMarkt. I'm glad the DVD distributor ABSOLUT MEDIEN spread the film so wide. Thanks a lot to Molto Menz and Wiltrud Hembus for distributing the DVD.

Mittwoch, 26. Januar 2011

Mein Vater. Mein Onkel. auf der Neuköllnale im Heimathafen (Berlin)

Am 30.01.2011 um 16:00 Uhr "Mein Vater. Mein Onkel." im Heimathafen Neukölln (Berlin)

Der Neukölln-Film-Tag im Heimathafen

Der Heimathafen zeigt die besten Neukölln-Filme aus dem vergangenen Jahr >> Die Neuköllnale bringt Dokus und Spielfilme über das Neuköllner Leben im wunderschönen Ballsaal noch einmal auf die Leinwand. Die Gespräche mit den Schauspielern und den Regisseuren bringen die verschiedenen Ansätze und unterschiedlichen Geschichten zusammen und versprechen eine geballte Ladung: Neukölln.

16:00 Uhr "Mein Vater. Mein Onkel."

Dienstag, 14. Dezember 2010

Sinan Al Kuri's first internet series: STADTHELDEN

If you want to know what Sinan was doing in the last months please check out the homepage of STADTHELDEN. It is a serie directed by Sinan telling the story of three flatmates. He plays one main part himself. Go to http://www.stadthelden.com for more information.

Freitag, 26. November 2010

MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. in Indonesia

MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. will be shown in Indonesia at the "Festival Film Dokumenter"! Thanks a lot to Abraham Mudito for the invitation. The festival runs from 07/12/2010 - 11/12/2010 at Societet Hall, Taman Budaya in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. We are very pleased and hope the film will attract a huge Indonesian audience.

Mittwoch, 20. Oktober 2010

DVD Release

The DVD release of MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. will be on 01/01/2011. You can now order a DVD in advance at ABSOLUT MEDIEN.

Donnerstag, 14. Oktober 2010

TV release in Germany, Austria and Switzerland

For all who missed MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. in the cinemas there is a chance to watch it on TV: The film will be screened on 3Sat on Sunday, 17/10/2010 at 21:45. Don't miss it.

Mittwoch, 4. August 2010

Still running in cinemas

The film is still running in cinemas... It doesn't come to an end:

19/08/2010 Berlin, Werkstatt der Kulturen (Irakische Kulturtage)

13/09/2010 20:15 Darmstadt, Rex

23/09/2010 20:00 Hamburg, Lichtmess

24/09/2010 15:30 Berlin, Arsenal 2

30.09.2010 - 02.10.2010, 19:00 Erfurt, Kinoclub am Hirschlachufer

05/10/2010 20:15 Cineplex, Bad Kreuznach (19:30 Sektempfang mit Flammkuchen!)

08/10/2010, Bern (Switzerland), Kino in der Reitschule
09/10/2010, Bern (Switzerland), Kino in der Reitschule

20/10/2010 20:00 Mainz, Caligari Filmbühne

Freitag, 25. Juni 2010

Dialektus Film Festival Budapest

MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. will be screened at Dialektusz Film Festival in Budapest on Sunday, 27/06/2010 16:00 at Vörösmarty cinema, Budapest. The composer of the film, Christof Vonderau, will be present. This blog will be continued in English of course. I'm sorry to all English speaking readers who were confused about all the German posts. Because of our cinema release in Germany we had to speak a little German. By the way it was successful. Whoever is interested in the detailed press response please send me an email. There is a last chance to see the film in Berlin at Moviemento where it is still playing (see: http://www.moviemento.de). And now: Enjoy the summer!

Mittwoch, 19. Mai 2010

Weiterhin täglich und bundesweit im Kino!

MEIN VATER. MEIN ONKEL. läuft weiterhin im Kino!

Berlin (Moviemento), Darmstadt (Rex), Dresden (Kino im Dach), Münster (Cinema), Wiesbaden (Murnau Filmtheater) haben verlängert. Neu ab 20.05.2010 mit dabei: Köln (Kölner Filmhaus) und München (Neues Arena). Ab 03.06.2010 Bremen (Cinema im Ostertor). Ab September: Hamburg, Leipzig, Erfurt, Bad Kreuznach.

Geht ins Kino.

Weitere Infos auch auf Facebook.

Donnerstag, 13. Mai 2010


Kaum ist der Film gestartet, bekommen wir ein intensives Feedback von der Presse. Vielen Dank an alle Journalisten und auch an Iris Praefke, die die Pressearbeit für diesen Film macht.

Hier ein paar Auszüge:

Martin Schwarz schreibt in der Zitty und im Tagesspiegel von einem "faszinierenden Trip - für al Kuri und den Kinozuschauer"



Die taz druckt Ihr gesamtes Montagsinterview (2 Seiten) mit Sinan Al Kuri:

„Die Suche nach der eigenen Identität schildert der Film sehr eindrücklich, die Unsicherheit und Überforderung, aber auch schnell sich entwickelnde Nähe und Zuneigung zu Eltern und Geschwistern rühren an.“


C. Wittich von der Sächsischen Zeitung schreibt "Er (Christoph Heller) verschafft Einblicke in die Lebenswelt einer aufgeklärten muslimischen Familie fernab jeder westlichen Voreingenommenheit."


Reinhard Lüke schreibt im Film-Dienst:
„So nährt der unkommentierte Film keineswegs die Illusion eines problemlosen Multi-Kulti-Lebens, sondern lässt die unüberbrückbaren Differenzen trotz aller Familienbande bestehen. Dabei kommt die Kamera von Manuel Kinzer nahezu gänzlich ohne Bewegungen aus und bildet so einen reizvollen Kontrast zu den vielfach sehr emotionalen Szenen.“


Martin Wertenbruch schreibt im SCHNITT:


Auch in RBB Aktuell fehlte kein Beitrag zu MEIN VATER. MEIN ONKEL:


In Radio Eins waren wir am 08.05.2010 in der Sendung von Knut Elstermann:


Und bei DeutschlandRadio gibt es zwei Beiträge (u. a. Live-Sendung mit Studiogästen).

Live-Sendung mit Sinan Al Kuri und Christoph Heller im Studio:

Besprechung von Jörg Taszman:

Der SWR Filmexperte Herbert Spaich berichtet ebenfalls über den Film:


Dorothee Tackermann auf Programmkino.de :
„Christoph Heller gelingt ein Brückenschlag, der auf mehreren internationalen Festivals, insbesondere auf dem Dubai Film Festival großen Anklang fand.“


Die BZ applaudiert zu dem Film:


Das Darmstädter Echo berichtet gleich zwei Mal über den Film:

"...für einen Moment wie aus 1001 Nacht scheint der Brückenschlag der Kulturen möglich."



Freitag, 30. April 2010


Wir arbeiten mit Hochdruck an dem bevorstehenden Kinostart in Deutschland! Gerne kann unten stehende Nachricht publiziert werden:

Hiermit möchten wir Euch auf den bundesweiten (Städte s. u.) Kinostart von dem Dokumentarfilm »Mein Vater. Mein Onkel.« am Donnerstag, 13.05.2010 aufmerksam machen. Eine ausführliche Filmbeschreibung findet Ihr weiter unten.

Der Film läuft ab 13.05.2010 in BERLIN (Moviemento), BREMEN (Cinema am Ostertor), DARMSTADT (Rex), DRESDEN (Kino im Dach), ERFURT (Kinoclub am Hirschlachufer), HAMBURG, BAD KREUZNACH (Cineplex), KÖLN (Filmhaus), LEIPZIG (Cinémathèque), MÜNCHEN (Neues Arena), MÜNSTER (Cinema & Kurbelkiste), WIEN (Breitenseer Lichtspiele ab 03.04.), WIESBADEN (Murnau Filmtheater), ZÜRICH (Filmpodium ab 22.04.)


Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Njg4xVkqMkY
Blog zum Film: http://www.mein-vater-mein-onkel.de
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/MY-FATHER-MY-UNCLE-MEIN-VATER-MEIN-ONKEL/368473905265
Pressebetreuung: http://www.moviemento.de/presse.htm


Weitere Informationen über die einzelnen Kinos sowie Sondervorstellungen in Anwesenheit des Protagonisten oder Regisseurs siehe unten.

Mein Vater. Mein Onkel.

Dokumentarfilm, D 2009, 80 min, Regie: Christoph Heller, mit: Sinan Al Kuri, Kamera: Manuel Kinzer, Montage: Sophia Kambaki, Musik: Christof Vonderau, Ton: Marko Weichler

Ein junger charmanter Deutscher begegnet seinen leiblichen Eltern und Geschwistern in Dubai. Dort hat die wohlhabende irakische Familie ihr neues Zuhause gefunden. Ihr Sohn Sinan ist in Hessen bei seiner deutschen Adoptivmutter aufgewachsen und lebt und arbeitet inzwischen in Berlin. Fast unsichtbar und sehr präzise ist die Kamera in »Mein Vater. Mein Onkel.« immer dabei, wenn Sinan der Familie, der Sprache, Religion und Kultur seiner Vorfahren begegnet – es ist die Entdeckung einer fremden Welt, eines alternativen Lebens, das er gelebt hätte, wenn er bei seinen Brüdern aufgewachsen wäre. Für Sinans Eltern hat er immer zur
Familie gehört. Sie haben sich ihr Leben lang nach der Rückkehr des verlorenen Sohnes gesehnt und nehmen ihn nun in bedingungsloser Liebe an. Sie schmieden Pläne, träumen von einem gemeinsamen Leben im Irak und machen schon mal Vorschläge für die zukünftige Ehefrau. Eigentlich wäre es auch ganz schön, wenn Sinan zum Islam konvertieren würde. »Mein Vater. Mein Onkel.« zeigt mit viel Witz das Aufeinandertreffen zweier Kulturen innerhalb einer Familie.


Internationales Dokumentarfilmfestival Leipzig (DOK Leipzig)
Dubai International Film Festival
Zurich Film Festival
DOCNZ – Internationales Dokumentarfilmfestival Neuseeland
Unabhängiges Filmfest Osnabrück
FILMZ – Festival des deutschen Kinos Mainz
London International Documentary Film Festival
Achtung Berlin! new berlin film award

Babelsberger Medienpreise – bester Dokumentarfilm (nominiert) Gold Panda Awards, Chengdu, China – beste Regie (nominiert)

K I N O S :

BERLIN (Moviemento)
Kottbusser Damm 22, 10967 Berlin
Tel.:030 6924785

Kinostart ab 13.05.2010
Premiere am 12.05.2010 um 20.00 Uhr im Kino Moviemento mit anschließender Party und Freigetränken in Anwesenheit des Teams.

Saal 1: http://www.cinetixx.de/programm.aspx?ShowID=618327931&FrameCityID=385625355

Saal 2: http://www.cinetixx.de/programm.aspx?ShowID=624256706&FrameCityID=385625355


Täglicher Einsatz ab 13.05.2010

Sondervorstellung mit englischen Untertiteln und Publikumsgespräch mit Regisseur und Protagonist am 17.05.2010 um 22:30 Uhr:


BREMEN (Cinema am Ostertor)
Ostertorsteinweg 105, 28203 Bremen
Tel.: 0421-700914

Kinostart ab 20.05.2010
Premiere / Publikumsgespräch am 19.05.2010 oder 20.05.2010

Grafenstr. 18-20, 64283 Darmstadt
Telefon 06151-29780

Kinostart ab 13.05.2010

DRESDEN (Kino im Dach)
Schandauer Straße 64
01277 Dresden
Tel.: 0351 3107373

Kinostart ab 13.05.2010

ERFURT (Kinoclub am Hirschlachufer)
Hirschlachufer 1, 99084 Erfurt

Ende September 2010


voraussichtlich September 2010

KÖLN (Filmhaus)
Maybachstraße 111
50670 Köln
0221 222710-0

Kinostart ab 20.05.2010

Termine u. a. : Do., 20.5., Di., 25.5., Do., 27.5., Fr., 28.5., Sa., 29.5., So., 30.5., Mo., 31.5, Di., 1.6.

Termin im Herbst 2009

LEIPZIG (Cinémathèque)
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 48
04275 Leipzig
0341 3039133

voraussichtlich September 2010

MÜNCHEN (Neues Arena)
Neues Arena Filmtheater BetriebsGmbH
Hans-Sachs-Straße 7
80469 München
Tel.: 089 2603265
(Tram: Müllerstr.)

Kinostart ab 20.05.2010

MÜNSTER (Cinema & Kurbelkiste)
Warendorfer Str. 45
D-48145 Münster
Kasse und Kartenreservierung +49 (0)251.30300

Kinostart ab 13.05.2010
Publikumsgespräch am 15.05.2010

WIESBADEN (Murnau Filmtheater)
gegenüber Kulturzentrum Schlachthof
0611 97708-41

am 14.05.2010 mit Publikumsgespräch und am 21.05.2010

Freitag, 23. April 2010

Thank you, achtung berlin!

A very charming and each year growing festival has come to an end: The achtung berlin! new berlin film award took place in Berlin for one week. They show films that are somehow connected to Berlin (location, production etc.). We had an awesome time and it was nice to bring MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. to where it all started. Right to the area where I live. I wish to thank Hajo Schäfer and Sebastian Brose for directing this beautiful festival and for inviting MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. to their documentary competition.

Here you will find an interview with Sinan Al Kuri and Christoph Heller for Alex TV:

The media really liked our film. Well, at least the picture:




It was very nice to see the film with the whole core team. On the picture below you see Manuel Kinzer (DoP), Christoph Heller (director), Sophia Kambaki (editor), Christof Vonderau (composer), Sinan Al Kuri (protagonist).

I'm looking forward to the next edition of achtung berlin! new berlin film award!

Dienstag, 13. April 2010

LONDON Screening Date LIDF

As we are intensively preparing the theatrical release in Germany and the attention is growing bigger and bigger over here I got the screening date from LONDON INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY FILM FESTIVAL where MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. is being screened in competition:

TUESDAY, 04/05/2010, 20:00 at the FREEWORD CENTRE

Please come and enjoy the UK premier with us. Well, we are not sure yet if we are attending. The DoP Manuel Kinzer is considering it and I'm not sure as well. We'll let you know.

Donnerstag, 8. April 2010

Trailer online!

Ready for the theatrical release in Germany (13.05.2010), Austria (03.04.2010) and Switzerland (22.04.2010) the trailer of MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. is now online:

In the meantime I was in Austria to present the film in Vienna at the "probably oldest cinema in the world". The cinema and its great history brings a great atmosphere to the place. Thank you to Anna Nitsch-Fitz (see on the picture) who runs the place.

Breitenseer Lichtspiele, Breitenseerstr. 21, 1140 Wien
U3 Hütteldorferstr., Ausgang Feilplatz

http://kinobsl.wordpress.com/ (Eintritt 7,50 Euro)

Screening dates:

03.04.2010, 18:30 Uhr
07.04.2010, 20:30 Uhr
09.04.2010, 18:30 Uhr
11.04.2010, 20:30 Uhr
17.04.2010, 18:30 Uhr
24.04.2010, 20:30 Uhr
29.04.2010, 18:30 Uhr

Mittwoch, 7. April 2010

Pre-premier in Darmstadt at the REX

Prior to the theatrical release in Germany on 13/05/2010 we had a beautiful pre-premier in Darmstadt, the place where Sinan and me grew up. The cinema was immediately sold out and crowds where coming. After the screening we had a nice film talk with Andreas Heidenreich. It was really nice that Bruni joined the talk as well. Later on we all went to 603qm. I'm very sorry for all the people who did not get into the screening and had to go back home again. The film will be starting in Darmstadt at 13.05.2010, please come back. Thanks a lot for Marcel Kurth to make this event possible.

Montag, 15. März 2010

Going to London

Great news for all London based fans... MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. will be screened at the LONDON INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY FILM FESTIVAL (LIDF) which takes place from 29/04/2010 to 08 / 05 / 2010. Please tell your friends and bring them to the screenings.

Freitag, 5. März 2010

Cinema Release

Please find the dates and places for the cinema release in Europe below. We also created a Facebook Fan page.


Breitenseer Lichtspiele, Breitenseerstr. 21, 1140 Wien
U3 Hütteldorferstr., Ausgang Feilplatz

http://kinobsl.wordpress.com/ (Eintritt 7,50 Euro)


03.04.2010, 18:30 Uhr
07.04.2010, 20:30 Uhr
09.04.2010, 18:30 Uhr
11.04.2010, 20:30 Uhr
17.04.2010, 18:30 Uhr
24.04.2010, 20:30 Uhr
29.04.2010, 18:30 Uhr


Dienstag, 06. April 2010 um 20.30 Uhr, Kino Rex, Wilheminenstr. 9, 64283 Darmstadt
(with director and protagonist)

DO, 22.04.2010, 20:45 (Director and Protagonist attending!)
SO, 25.04.2010, 18:15
DI, 27.04.2010, 18:15
MI, 28.04.2010, 15:00
SA, 01.05.2010, 18:15
FR, 07.05.2010, 15:45

Filmpodium der Stadt Zürich, Nüschelerstr. 11, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland

More information about the cinema release in Germany on 13/05/2010 about to follow soon....

Sonntag, 28. Februar 2010

MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. in New Zealand

Hello, and a warm welcome from Auckland / New Zealand. The film is being screened on the Documentary Edge International Film Festival. Thanks to Dan Shanan and Alex Lee for the invitation. Also many thanks to Christoph Muecher and Katharina Winkler from the GOETHE institute New Zealand. They support the German culture and the coming together between New Zealand and Germany so well. It is a pleasure to be here. Here are the screening dates again:


Saturday, 27.02.2010, 12:30 pm, Rialto Cinema Newmarket
Friday, 05.03.2010, 04:05 pm, Rialto Cinema Newmarket
Sunday, 14.03.2010, 03:20 pm, Rialto Cinema Newmarket


Saturday, 13.03.2010, 01:00 pm, Angelika at Reading, Cinemas Courtenay
Friday, 19.03.2010, 03:40 pm, Angelika at Reading, Cinemas Courtenay
Sunday, 28.03.2010, 03:05 pm, Angelika at Reading, Cinemas Courtenay

Mittwoch, 24. Februar 2010

At Achtung Berlin! in competition

Finally the film is coming to Berlin. We got an invitation from achtung berlin! new film award to screen it in their competition. We are honored and I wish to thank the festival directors Hajo Schäfer and Sebastian Brose. I guess we will have again some wonderful screenings especially because there are so many people waiting for the film in Berlin. The festival takes place between 14.04.2010 - 21.04.2010 and is growing bigger each year. Personally I like the festival a lot as it has always a good selection of films and nice people behind it. Please check their website at http://www.achtungberlin.de for more information.

Dienstag, 9. Februar 2010

Screening Dates at DOCNZ New Zealand

The screening dates for MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. at the DOCNZ International Documentary Film Festival New Zealand are published now:


Saturday, 27.02.2010, 12:30 pm, Rialto Cinema Newmarket
Friday, 05.03.2010, 04:05 pm, Rialto Cinema Newmarket
Sunday, 14.03.2010, 03:20 pm, Rialto Cinema Newmarket


Saturday, 13.03.2010, 01:00 pm, Angelika at Reading, Cinemas Courtenay
Friday, 19.03.2010, 03:40 pm, Angelika at Reading, Cinemas Courtenay
Sunday, 28.03.2010, 03:05 pm, Angelika at Reading, Cinemas Courtenay

Please tell all your friends in New Zealand! For more information check out the festival's webpage:


Mittwoch, 6. Januar 2010

Filmfest Spezial from Unabhängiges Filmfest Osnabrück

Here you can watch "Filmfest Spezial" about the film's appearance at Filmfest Osnabrück. Siegfried Tesche interviews Sinan Al Kuri and Christoph Heller:

Montag, 4. Januar 2010

Here you will find a video of the Q&A after the first screening at Dubai International Film Festival. I'm sorry about the really bad quality. The electricity at "Mall of the Emirates" was not working properly so we did not have enough light:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Donnerstag, 31. Dezember 2009

MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. goes to New Zealand

While in Germany everybody is preparing for New Year's eve the Kiwis in New Zealand are already one year further due to the time difference. Just before they closed the old year Dan Shanan, director of the DOCNZ International Documentary Film Festival send me an e-Mail with an invitation to his festival. One more thing to celebrate tonight. DOCNZ Festival is Australasia’s only international competitive documentary film festival. It is held in New Zealand and showcases the very best in documentary film from New Zealand and around the World. The festival runs from late February in Auckland and Wellington and includes Awards Night, Q&A Sessions with filmmakers and special events.

I wish everybody a happy new year! See you in 2010...

Montag, 21. Dezember 2009

Samstag, 19. Dezember 2009

Press article in FILM & TV KAMERAMANN

Below is another nice article about the film's appearance on Zurich Film Festival posted. The magazine "Film and TV Kameramann" is distributed monthly and well known in German film industry (especially regarding camera).

Donnerstag, 17. Dezember 2009

Press review Dubai International Film Festival

After a wonderful time at Dubai International Film Festival and some time with Sinan's family I arrived back home in Berlin where it was snowing.
I'm so glad the festival appearance of the film turned out well. About the friendly response from the family I'm pretty much happy, too. At the second screening Sinan's brothers attended as well as the press attaché of the German consulate in Dubai. The family invited me for a traditional Arabic dinner (with smoking Shisha and everything) next to the biggest dancing fountain of the world to say good-bye. Thanks again.

Before you will find a video of the Middle East premier here on the blog I'll post some of the press responses:

Emirates Business wrote on 13/12/2009:

Time Out Dubai recommended the film in their magazine:

Sidra Tariq wrote about MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. as well. She won the young journalist award
for her reviews at this year's festival:

Samstag, 12. Dezember 2009

Middle East Premier at Dubai International Film Festival

Yesterday we had the Middle East Premier at Dubai International Film Festival. The festival is running with the motto "Bridging Cultures. Meeting Minds." You can imagine that MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. perfectly fits into the programme. And the interest for the film is extremely high which I did not expect before. It is part of the section "Arabian Nights". Press, industry and normal audience are asking a lot about our film. The first screening was sold out quickly and the responses were again overwhelming. The audience consisted of about 1/3 Locals/ Arabs / Iraqis, 1/3 International Festival Audience and 1/3 Western Expats living in Dubai. It was really interesting to see their different reactions. Not always did everybody laugh at the same moments.
After the screening we kept it as a surprise that Sinan and his family are present so everybody was kind of shocked when they entered the stage. The Q&A wasn't really different from the other screenings at European festivals but it was the first time the whole family was there together. I will put up a video of the Q&A on the blog within the next couple of days.
I wish to thank the curator Antonia Carver and the artistic director of the festival Masoud Amralla Al Ali for inviting the film and the great hospitality here. The motto "Bridging Cultures. Meeting Minds." really works out well here as filmmakers from the Arabic world, India / Pakistan / Asia and the Western world meet together. And the industry line up is really amazing! This is a wonderful and inspiring experience.
The 2nd screening will take place on Monday, 14/12/2009 at 15:15 MALL OF THE EMIRATES 06

Dienstag, 8. Dezember 2009

Coming back to the main shooting locations

Finally I arrived in the Middle East. After a beautiful taxi ride through the sunrise of Dubai I got to Sharjah. The place where Sinan's family lives and where we spent most of our time during the shooting of the film. Even if it is so different here and I don't like some general circumstances (many cars, pollution, traffic jams) it is amazing to catch up the atmosphere. The desert, the warm and dry climate, the Arabic world with all its mosques and the amazing sound when a Muezzin calls to pray. On the other hand all the workers from India, Pakistan and the Philippines who work here to help their families back home but probably live a lonely life. Already two years ago I said to Manuel and Marko that there are so many high buildings full of people - I wonder how many interesting, sad, happy, tragic and shocking personal stories you can find in only one of these houses.
Anyway, Sinan arrived yesterday night as well and we had a nice meeting with the family. They expected us again with their great Arabic hospitality. We ate lovely food and had a good chat. I was really glad to see them and I'm sure we will have more interesting conversations in the following days. Tomorrow I will head to Dubai to meet the people from Dubai Film Festival.

Samstag, 5. Dezember 2009

Getting ready for Dubai - thanks to ic! Berlin

Tomorrow I will head to Dubai, Sinan will follow on Monday. We are really happy and cannot wait to meet Sinan's family again. I'm still so thankful for their trust in me and for the great Arabic hospitality during the shootings of the film. That's why I'm so glad to get back to this place now for the first time after making the film and meet everybody again. We really made good friends back then. Besides all the friendly people I'm going to meet I'm very curious about the reactions of the Arabic audience at Dubai International Film Festival as this is the first time the film will be shown outside Europe.

The screening dates are:

FRIDAY, 11/12/2009, 18:30, MOE 8
MONDAY, 14/12/2009, 15:15, MOE 6

As it will probably be very sunny in Dubai I wish to thank again one of our sponsors ic! Berlin who equipped us with their stylish sunglasses when we were there last time. Thanks again for that, especially to marketing manager Vicky Strojek! Below you can find out how they fitted with the film team and Sinan. Please visit their website: http://www.ic-berlin.de

Montag, 30. November 2009

Another family reunion at FILMZ in Mainz

I'm really happy that the film now could be shown next to where I grew up. On the FILMZ - Festival of German Cinema Mainz I met many old friends and classmates that I haven't seen for a long time. And another family reunion took place: I met two of my cousins for the first time in my whole life... Very funny.

From the film team the festival was attended by the editor Sophia Kambaki and me. Thanks for the lovely hospitality by the FILMZ - team, we had a nice time...

Donnerstag, 12. November 2009

MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. will be screened at FILMZ Mainz

I'm glad to show the film close to where I grew up soon. MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. will be screened at FILMZ Mainz. The screening dates are:

Saturday, 28/11/2009 at 17.30 CinéMayence, Mainz
Sunday, 29/11/2009 at 12.00 CineStar 6, Mainz

Please don't be confused, all the details of the film which are listed in the catalogue are completely wrong. The festival assured me to correct it at least on the webpage.

I will be present at the festival with the editor of the film, Sophia Kambaki.

Montag, 9. November 2009

Unabhängiges Filmfest Osnabrück

In the meantime we were present on another film festival. Thanks for the invitation to Unabhängiges Filmfest Osnabrück. Sinan and me went there for a short trip and enjoyed the friendly atmosphere. The Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung (NOZ) decided to write about MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. and place a big picture out of the film introducing the whole festival. We are happy about that. Please find the article above. The picture from the festival is taken by Kerstin Hehmann, the beautiful still of the film by Manuel Kinzer.

Dienstag, 3. November 2009

We had an awesome time at DOK Leipzig

Sorry for giving no news from DOK Leipzig yet. As we had a brilliant time there big follow up work reaches me now. The two screenings were packed and the emotions as on the other festivals: overwhelming!

I was glad the DoP Manuel Kinzer, the Line Producer Andreas Louis and the Director's Assistant Vasco vom Hoff joined me in Leipzig. Many thanks also to Valentin Ade and Vivi Kretschmann who supported me on the marketing in Leipzig. Our film was visible everywhere. And everybody knew the great poster.

I can really recommend DOK Leipzig as it is despite its renommée well known for a nice atmosphere and extremely professional organization. A big "thank you" to festival director Claas Danielsen and programmer Grit Lemke!

Samstag, 24. Oktober 2009

Getting ready for DOK Leipzig...

Only two days to go and DOK Leipzig will be starting. I cannot wait to present MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. at this important International Documentary Film Festival. Here are the screening dates:

Wednesday, 28.11.2009, 11:30, Passage Kinos, Wintergarten
Sunday, 01.11.2009, 20:15, Passage Kinos, Wintergarten

We will be around at the whole festival trying to promote the film and watch as many good documentaries as possible.

Samstag, 17. Oktober 2009

Nominated for the GOLD PANDA in China

MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. is nominated for the Gold Panda (Best Director) at Sichuan TV Festival in Chengdu, China.

Sichuan TV Festival is hosted by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) and Sichuan Provincial People's Government, and organized by Sichuan Radio, Film and Television Bureau and Sichuan Broadcasting Group. The festival has been staged nine times since 1991 and has become one of the most important international TV&film festivals in Asia.

College and university students are the driving force in the future of media industry. With the theme *"Future in Hand"*, the International "Gold Panda" Awards for Student of 2009 SCTVF is to provide a communication platform between students and the industry, promote excellence and encourage university students to observe, discover, think and create, therefore training professionals for the TV & film industry while providing college and university students with better opportunities when embarking on their careers.

Donnerstag, 15. Oktober 2009

MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. @ Unabhängiges Filmfest Osnabrueck

I would like to announce another festival invitation. MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. will be screened at Unabhängiges Filmfest Osnabrück (Independent Film Festival Osnabrueck) on Friday 23/10/2009 at 17:30 at "Lagerhalle". It is the oldest film festival in Niedersachsen with a long tradition. On the same day of the screening I'm invited for a TV show about the festival which will be broadcasted in the channel H1 (at some places in Northern Germany). They also invited me to a discussion panel on Saturday, 24/10/2009 at Lagerhalle (Spitzboden) whoever might be interested...

Montag, 12. Oktober 2009

Media response to Babelsberg Media Awards

On the award ceremonies of the Babelsberg Media Awards they made a report about MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. and I gave an interview to the broadcaster RBB. They put it on their news "Brandenburg Aktuell". Here you can watch it.

Samstag, 10. Oktober 2009

At the Documentary Market in Sitges

After a nice party at the Babelsberg Media Awards (we did not win unfortunately) I went to Sitges this morning to present MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. at the Doc Market MEDIMED. Over here it is still summer and the beaches look beautiful. That makes it even harder to go to this well organized market and meet important industry professionals instead of having a swim.
Anyway, thanks Sergi Dolade for the invitiation to this great market!

By accident I found out that one of my fellow students is premiering his film here on the Sitges Film Festival. THE BOY WHO WOULDN'T KILL by LINUS DE PAOLI premiers here tonight at 01.00 (at night) in the Auditorium. Congratulations! I will be there.

Dienstag, 29. September 2009

World Premier at Zurich Film Festival in the International Competition

The world premier has taken place. I was really curious about the first reactions of a public audience here at the festival. And it was amazing. The emotions in the cinema were overwhelming. People were laughing a lot and after the screening they told me that they were crying in some scenes as well. I'm glad the film is so well received. The Q&A after the screening showed the great interest of the audience in the film. There were also people from the industry who loved the film a lot.

Today is the next screening and I look forward to it. I'm very glad that I'm accompanied by Sinan, the team members Manuel Kinzer (DoP), Liesa Schober (assistant) and Nadja Glanze (subtitles) on the festival.
As you probably read in the news the festival is overshadowed by the arrest of Roman Polanski who we were supposed to see in a masterclass. It is the topic number one on the festival.

Additional screenings:

TUESDAY 29/09/2009 18:15 corso 4
THURSDAY 01/10/2009 15:30 corso 4

Freitag, 25. September 2009

Zurich is well "postered"

Our marketing in Zurich starts excellent. Expecting a lot of work with spreading posters all over the city the Zurich Film Festival already did a great job. I take this opportunity to thank the kind team from Zurich Film Festival led by Nadja Schildknecht and Karl Spoerri for their great support! I'm sure we'll have an excellent time here.

Time to mention the graphic designers again who made the beautiful poster and postcards:

On his webpage you will find also some other drafts of the artwork.

Donnerstag, 24. September 2009

Screening dates @ DOK Leipzig

Before I'm off to Zurich for the world premier I would like to post the screening dates at DOK Leipzig quickly

Wednesday 28.10.2009 at 11:30, Passage Kinos Leipzig, Wintergarten
Sunday, 01.11.2009 at 20:15, Passage Kinos Leipzig, Wintergarten

Who will be around?

Dienstag, 22. September 2009

Press response

Less than one week to the world premier and the press response is continuously increasing. In the announcements of Zurich Film Festival the film was mentioned separately twice which draw attention to the media that published the news. Once, because it is a world premier and in another press release it is mentioned that three films at Zurich Film Festival deal with Iraq.

Have a look at the examples yourself if you like:


A more detailed article was published in the DARMSTAEDTER ECHO today. The great journalist Stefan Benz wrote about Sinan's story and the film. I'm really happy about his wonderful and well researched article. Thanks! You can read it in the internet or if you click at the picture above.

Dienstag, 15. September 2009

Nominated for the Babelsberg Media Awards

It is really strange. For some time I do not get any news of the film at all and now one success message is immediately followed by the next one. But I can understand it takes some time until the word is spread :-).

MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. is nominated for the Babelsberg Media Awards (Babelsberger Medienpreise). These awards are each year assigned by the Gesellschaft zur Wahrnehmung von Film- und Fernsehrechten (GWFF) Munich, the Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg (RBB) (a broadcaster) and the HFF Potsdam-Babelsberg (the film school in Potsdam) to the best graduate thesis film in Germany.

One fictional film and one documentary film out of three nominated films each will be awarded. The awarding ceremony will be celebrated at 9th of October 2009 under the patronage of Berlinale director Prof. Dieter Kosslick.

Samstag, 12. September 2009

International Documentary Film Festival Leipzig DOK LEIPZIG

Finally the film will be shown in Germany as well. The International Documentary Film Festival Leipzig (DOK Leipzig) invited MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. a couple of days ago.

The festival is known for his high international reputation especially regarding documentary films. It will take place from 26.10.2009 - 01.11.2009. They also have a big documentary market.

But read yourself if you like: http://www.dok-leipzig.de

Donnerstag, 10. September 2009

World Premier at Zurich Film Festival

Now it is official and I'm glad to be able to post it on the blog:

A long period of waiting was worth the time: A couple of weeks ago I received a phone call from Zurich: MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. is invited to the international competition at Zurich Film Festival. That means the world premier will take place in the biggest town of Switzerland on a festival whose high profile has been growing in the last years a lot.

The festival will take place from 24/09/2009 - 03 /10/2009.

The film will compete against 8-10 other international films to win the golden eye (documentary), an audience award and the so called variety award. Some of the team members and supporters will have the opportunity to join us to the festival.

The screening dates will be:

28/09/2009 18:15 corso 4
29/09/2009 18:15 corso 4
01/10/2009 15:30 corso 4

Press screening is 28/09/2009 at 14:00

For more information please contact heller (at) bonsaifilm.com !

Link to the festival: http://www.zurichfilmfestival.org

Christoph Heller

Mein Bild
Berlin, Germany
Born 1981. Raised in Darmstadt. During school spent one year in Australia. Worked as an actor at the “Schauspielhaus Frankfurt.” After completing high school spent time in France and 5 months working for a tax office. Before studying at the German Film and Television Academy Berlin (dffb) worked for Egoli Tossell Film in Berlin in international co-production as well as for the World Distributor Celluloid Dreams. Producer, Production manager and coordinator for various feature films. Director and cameraman for various film projects. 2007 participant of the Rutger Hauer masterclass in Rotterdam, 2009 participant of the Zurich Masterclass. Premiered a social spot “Security Camera” at the Panorama of the 2007 Berlinale, which won a special mention at the “Teddy” award as well as a “valuable” rating from the Film Evaluation Center in Wiesbaden. Was a scholarship holder of the society for Film and Television producers (VFF München). Leader of an international film workshop in Jelenia Gora, Poland, in 2010. MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. has been shown on several international film festivals (DOK Leipzig, Dubai, Zurich, London) and will be released in cinemas across German speaking Europe.