Mittwoch, 6. Januar 2010

Filmfest Spezial from Unabhängiges Filmfest Osnabrück

Here you can watch "Filmfest Spezial" about the film's appearance at Filmfest Osnabrück. Siegfried Tesche interviews Sinan Al Kuri and Christoph Heller:

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Schoene Story! Sie ist fast identisch mit meiner eigenen...auch ich habe meine irakischen Verwandten zume ersten Mal in Dubai wieder getroffen, als ich Mitte 20 war.
Kann man den Film kaufen? Ich wuerd' ihn mir gerne ansehen.

Christoph Heller hat gesagt…

Bitte senden Sie mir eine e-Mail unter heller(at) Wo wohnen Sie? Der Film wird im Frühjahr / Sommer in einigen Kinos anlaufen.

Christoph Heller

Mein Bild
Berlin, Germany
Born 1981. Raised in Darmstadt. During school spent one year in Australia. Worked as an actor at the “Schauspielhaus Frankfurt.” After completing high school spent time in France and 5 months working for a tax office. Before studying at the German Film and Television Academy Berlin (dffb) worked for Egoli Tossell Film in Berlin in international co-production as well as for the World Distributor Celluloid Dreams. Producer, Production manager and coordinator for various feature films. Director and cameraman for various film projects. 2007 participant of the Rutger Hauer masterclass in Rotterdam, 2009 participant of the Zurich Masterclass. Premiered a social spot “Security Camera” at the Panorama of the 2007 Berlinale, which won a special mention at the “Teddy” award as well as a “valuable” rating from the Film Evaluation Center in Wiesbaden. Was a scholarship holder of the society for Film and Television producers (VFF München). Leader of an international film workshop in Jelenia Gora, Poland, in 2010. MY FATHER. MY UNCLE. has been shown on several international film festivals (DOK Leipzig, Dubai, Zurich, London) and will be released in cinemas across German speaking Europe.